I took a little break from sewing to bake birthday cakes for my oldest and youngest, but now I'm back at it.
I finished mine and Aubrey's drawers and they are very cute, albeit oddly shaped. I'm not sure how I'm going to like the open crotch design, but it will come in handy when wearing a full outfit. That's a lot of layers to wrestle with in a cramped public stall. I'd compare it to using the facilities while wearing a wedding gown....not an easy task.
I started on Aubrey's petticoat and if I didn't have so much running around to do today and tomorrow I'd probably finish it, but I don't think that's going to happen. I should be able to finish it this week though.
This past weekend Aubrey and I went shopping and I found a nice cameo brooch that I'm going to turn into a necklace to wear with my gown. We also found several bits and pieces of possible Steampunk costume items, but nothing was in our sizes. Ah well, we have plenty of time.
Back to work. Don't forget to vote tomorrow! Vote for experience! Vote David Townsend!